Mission of Hope

Mission of Hope is driven by the vision of a world without hunger. Red Hill Lutheran Church and School join forces each year to package over 50,000 dehydrated, high protein, and highly nutritious meals that will help save lives in developing countries all around the world. As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child through church advancement, education, and food security.

Mexico Housebuilding

Red Hill has been partnering with Baja Christian Ministries to build homes for the in Tijuana for over 15 years. BCM is an organization dedicated to serving the spiritual and physical needs of the poor in Mexico in the name of Jesus Christ. Each year members of our Church and School build a home for a family in need in just one weekend. 

For more information, contact Ken Hays.

City of Angels Orphanage

The City of Angels Orphanage exists to meet the needs of some of the thousands of children living in extreme poverty in Tijuana, Mexico. The orphanage provides food, shelter, clothing, schooling, and – most important – love to the children.  Red Hill organizes regular day trips to visit the orphanage, bring supplies, prepare lunch, and spend some time playing the kids. For more information, contact Jodi Sprosty.

Every Child Has A Name

Every Child Has a Name (ECHAN) addresses the concerns of orphans worldwide, and supports a wide spectrum of work.  The five primary areas of focus spell the word STARS: 

  • Scholarships for adoption
  • Training for children who age out of orphanages
  • Aid for orphanages
  • Rescue for children caught in trafficking
  • Sponsorship of orphan tours

They also have a special relationship with Nightlight Christian Adoptions, who assist families with domestic, international, and embryo adoptions. Red Hill often hosts children on tour and provides volunteer and financial support as well. For more information, visit them at www.everychildhasaname.org.


Every Monday, several dedicated women meet at RHLC to quilt. They prepare and send quilts and layettes to Lutheran World Relief, who distributes them to the poorest parts of the world. Each quilt is a one of a kind beautiful gift of hope to those in need. Every year, this special group of ladies produce over 300 quilts! Call the church office at 714-544-3131 for information about joining this group.