There are many ways that you can serve at the church. Check out some of the ministry areas below and email the staff person in charge to find out more information. You can also find service opportunities on Realm by searching "service groups."
Serving Your Church
Sunday Worship
Ushers, Readers, Altar Guild, Communion Servers, Acolytes
Contact Marty Schaefer for more information.
Chancel Choir, Children's Chorus, Jubilee Bells, Praise Band.
Contact Marty Schaefer for more information.
Youth and Family Ministry
Nursery, Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School.
Contact Beth Stoffregen for more information.
care and Prayer
Prayer group, Cordon of Prayer, Deacons, Memorial Committee
Contact Donna Kunz for more information.
Landscaping, painting, electrical, plumbing, mechanical
Contact Cyndi Tully for more information.